Existing horse
Test mating -
Bitter Lemon (DE) [H] [F] [S] h, 2016
Ganymede (FR)
[H] [F] [S]
(108 0,99) 1994
1.11,4a € 762,477
At 3, third in Criterium des 3 ans, Prix Kalmia. At 4, second in Prix de Sélection, Prix de Tonnac-Villeneuve, Prix Ephrem Houel, Prix René Ballière, Criterium Continental, third in Criterium des 4 ans, Prix Phaéton. At 5, Winner of Prix de l'Atlantique, Oslo Grand Prix, second in Prix Chambon P, third in Prix de Washington. At 6, second in Criterium de Vitesse de Basse Normandie, third in Prix des Ducs de Normandie.
Buvetier d'Aunou (FR)
[H] [F] [S]
(98 0,99) 1989
1.14,4v  kr 7,547,455 34 15-9-2
At 3, Winner of Criterium des 3 ans, Prix Jacques Vauloge, second in Prix Paul Viel. At 4, Winner of Criterium des 4 ans, Prix de Milan, Prix de Sélection, second in Prix Ariste Hémard, Prix du Bourbonnais, Grand Prix de l'U.E.T.. At 5, Winner of Prix Roederer, second in Prix de l'Etoile, Prix Jockey, third in Prix de Croix.
Royal Prestige (US)
[H] [F] [S]
Speedy Crown (US)
[H] [F] [S]
Speedy Scot (US)
Missile Toe (US)
Rosemary (US)
[H] [F] [S]
Nevele Pride (US)
Lovester (US)
Nesmile (FR)
[H] [F] [S]
Caprior (FR)
[H] [F] [S]
Feu Follet X (FR)
Ninia (FR)
Amours du Mesnil (FR)
[H] [F] [S]
L'as du Mesnil (FR)
Pin Up du Menil (FR)
Udames (FR)
[H] [F] [S]
Quioco (FR)
[H] [F] [S]
Vermont (FR)
[H] [F] [S]
Javari (FR)
Action (FR)
Beatrix II (FR)
[H] [F] [S]
Lord Williams (FR)
Psappha (FR)
Gadames (FR)
[H] [F] [S]
Kerjacques (FR)
[H] [F] [S]
Quinio (FR)
Arlette III (FR)
Jabel (FR)
[H] [F] [S]
Au Vent (FR)
Capri II (FR)
Gunny Gual (IT)
[H] [F] [S]
1.13,9a € 106,395
Uronometro (IT)
[H] [F] [S]
1.13,0a kr 8,214,914 40 21-8-3
At 3, Winner of Derby Italiano, Gran Premio Marangoni, Europeiskt Treåringschampionat, second in Gran Premio Citta' di Napoli, Gran Premio Nazionale, third in Gran Premio Italia. At 4, Winner of Gran Premio d'Europa.
Lemon Dra (IT)
[H] [F] [S]
Sharif di Iesolo (IT)
[H] [F] [S]
Quick Song (US)
Odile de Sassy (FR)
Danea (IT)
[H] [F] [S]
Acero (IT)
Babele (IT)
Queen of the Sea (US)
[H] [F] [S]
Speedy Crown (US)
[H] [F] [S]
Speedy Scot (US)
Missile Toe (US)
Speed Fish (US)
[H] [F] [S]
Bonefish (US)
Evening Star (US)
Melody d'Assia (IT)
[H] [F] [S]
1.14,2a € 360,001
The Onion
[H] [F] [S]
Quick Pay (US)
[H] [F] [S]
Star's Pride (US)
Spry Hanover (US)
Tina Tribut
[H] [F] [S]
Top Quality (US)
Krakatoa (IT)
[H] [F] [S]
Snow Speed (US)
[H] [F] [S]
Speedster (US)
Winter Wonderland (US)
Mary's Brawest (US)
[H] [F] [S]
Florican (US)
Demon Mary (US)
Available information [info]
Pedigree complete in7 gen
Pedigree depth 21 gen
Pedigree Completeness Index (5 gen) 1,00

Modernity/Generation interval [info]
Generation interval (average, 4 gen)12,40
Ancestor birthyear (average, 4 gen)1973,33

Breeds [info] [display]
French Trotter 33,52 %
Russian Trotter 0,00 %
Standardbred 66,48 %

Lines and X Factor Chart [info]
Sire line [display] Abdallah (US)  [H] [F] [S]
Maternal line [display] Mamie (US)  [H] [F] [S]
X Factor Chart [display]

Sire-Broodmare Sire Cross [info]
Broodmare SireUronometro
[Foals] [Pedigree]

Breed Value (BLUP) [info]
No BLUP available

Analytes [info]totxy/mR
Parent/full sibling50,000
2nd parent/half sibling25,000
ändraStar's Pride3015,787
ändraPeter the Great14113y12,564
3rd parent/full first cousin12,500
ändraFandango00Not calc.
ändraCarioca II00Not calc.
Click the pencils to edit analytes. Click Update to re-analyze.
Amount of inbreeding [info]
Inbreeding Coefficient (The Blood Bank )3,658 %
Inbreeding Coefficient (STC)Not available

Inbreeding Crosses [info] [display]
Speedy Crown4y + 4x
Peter the Great4214 paths, 141 crosses (closest: 8)
Speedster(6+6y) + (5+6+7x)
Volomite68 paths, 21 crosses (closest: 7)
Worthy Boy(7+7+8) + (6x+6+6x+7x+7+8+8x)
Scotland78 paths, 19 crosses (closest: 7)
Guy Axworthy2130 paths, 101 crosses (closest: 8)
Peter Volo243 paths, 36 crosses (closest: 8)
Axworthy4830 paths, 151 crosses (closest: 9)
Santos (Mare)4257 paths, 142 crosses (closest: 9)
Hambletonian460746 paths, 1503 crosses (closest: 11)
Florican6 + (5x+6x)
Rodney(7+7y) + (6+6+7+8)
Star's Pride6 + (5+7)
George Wilkes165880 paths, 898 crosses (closest: 11)
Peter Scott91 paths, 20 crosses (closest: 7)
Nevele Pride5 + 6
Dean Hanover(8+8+8) + (7+7+7+8+8+9x+9)
Bemecourt299 paths, 36 crosses (closest: 7)
Fuschia1485 paths, 82 crosses (closest: 8)
McKinney1400 paths, 81 crosses (closest: 9)
Dillon Axworthy68 paths, 21 crosses (closest: 8)
Axtell5184 paths, 156 crosses (closest: 10)
Nervolo Belle (Mare)432 paths, 48 crosses (closest: 9)
Spencer44 paths, 15 crosses (closest: 7)
Intermede70 paths, 17 crosses (closest: 8)
Spencer Scott(8+8y) + (7+7+8+8+9)
Victory Song7 + (6+7)
Happy Medium4905 paths, 154 crosses (closest: 10)
San Francisco140 paths, 27 crosses (closest: 8)
Princess Royal (Mare)210 paths, 31 crosses (closest: 9)
Hoot Mon7 + (6+8)
Guy McKinney(8+9+9) + (7+8+8+9+10x)
Guy Wilkes3420 paths, 131 crosses (closest: 10)
Mr McElwyn(8+9+10) + (7+8x+8+9+9x+10x)
Electioneer13328 paths, 264 crosses (closest: 10)
Lee Axworthy216 paths, 33 crosses (closest: 9)
Zombro319 paths, 40 crosses (closest: 9)
Bingen1728 paths, 96 crosses (closest: 10)
Alma Lee (Mare)24 paths, 11 crosses (closest: 8)
Darnley(7+8) + 7x
Lady Bunker (Mare)17052 paths, 287 crosses (closest: 11)
Belle Poule (Mare)88 paths, 19 crosses (closest: 9)
James Watt299 paths, 36 crosses (closest: 9)
Evensong (Mare)8 + (7+8+9+9x)
Loudeac6 + 8
The Great McKinney7 + (8+8)
Uranie (Mare)7 + (8+8)
Quo Vadis(6+7+8+9) + (10+10)
Atlantic Express27 paths, 12 crosses (closest: 9)
Chimes264 paths, 35 crosses (closest: 10)
Esther (Mare)216 paths, 35 crosses (closest: 10)
Koenigsberg(7+8) + (9+10+10)
Estabella (Mare)230 paths, 33 crosses (closest: 10)
Emily Ellen (Mare)102 paths, 23 crosses (closest: 9)
Narquois45 paths, 14 crosses (closest: 8)
May King2160 paths, 107 crosses (closest: 11)
Young Miss (Mare)2160 paths, 107 crosses (closest: 11)
The Harvester(8+10+11) + (9x+9+10x+11x)
Beaumanoir(7+8+9) + (10+11+11)
Todd184 paths, 31 crosses (closest: 10)
Baron Wilkes672 paths, 58 crosses (closest: 10)
Enoch(7+8+8+9+9+9+10) + (11+11)
Phaeton377 paths, 42 crosses (closest: 9)
Beautiful Bells (Mare)1056 paths, 70 crosses (closest: 11)
Expressive (Mare)40 paths, 14 crosses (closest: 10)
Bellini40 paths, 14 crosses (closest: 10)
Onward1144 paths, 74 crosses (closest: 10)
Walnut Hall(8+9+11+12) + (10+10+11+12x+12)
Margaret Arion (Mare)(10+10) + (8xm+9+9+10+11)
Enfant de Troupe7 + 9
Moko84 paths, 20 crosses (closest: 10)
Guy Abbey9 + (8+9x+10)
Alcantara450 paths, 45 crosses (closest: 11)
Benjamin(7+8+9+10+10+11) + (12+12+12)
Volga E. (Mare)27 paths, 12 crosses (closest: 10)
Notelet (Mare)(9+11+11+12+12) + (10x+10+11x+11x+12x)
The Gaiety Girl (Mare)300 paths, 37 crosses (closest: 11)
Truax10 + (7x+9+11)
Red Wilkes4730 paths, 153 crosses (closest: 10)
The de Forest(9+10) + (9+10)
Minnehaha (Mare)1539 paths, 84 crosses (closest: 12)
Princess Gay (Mare)(9+10+10) + 9x
Telemaque V8 + 9
Margaret Parrish (Mare)18 paths, 11 crosses (closest: 9)
Maggie H. (Mare)561 paths, 50 crosses (closest: 11)
Verluisant(8+9+10+11) + (11+11)
Arion516 paths, 55 crosses (closest: 11)
The Widow (Mare)40 paths, 13 crosses (closest: 10)
Wilton176 paths, 30 crosses (closest: 10)
Belwin(11+11+11) + (9x+10+12+12)
Miss Pierette (Mare)10 + (9+10+10+11+11x)
Almont198 paths, 29 crosses (closest: 11)
Pro Patria9 + 9
Chestnut Peter(10+11+11) + (10x+10)
Guy Day10 + 8x
Sebastopol(8+10) + (11+12)
Adbell35 paths, 12 crosses (closest: 11)
Silent Brook10 + 9x
Baronmore(11+13+14+14) + (10x+11+11x+12+13)
Mamie (Mare)70 paths, 17 crosses (closest: 10)
Expectation (Mare)(12+12+12+13+13) + (11+12x+12+13x)
Harold80 paths, 21 crosses (closest: 11)
Eva (Mare)(12+13) + (11+12+12+12+13+13x+14)
Prodigal12 + (11+12+12+12+12+13+13x)
The Red Silk (Mare)12 + (11+12+12+12+12+13+13x)
Barongale(12+13+13) + (11x+12)
Juvigny11 + 11
Sienna (Mare)(11+11) + 12
Mambrino King11 + (12+12)
Redinda (Mare)13 + (10x+11+12+14)
Direct12 + (11+12+13)
Nancy Hanks (Mare)20 paths, 12 crosses (closest: 12)
Lord Russell15 + (12+12x+13+14+16)


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Information on results in big races provided by Kurt Anderssons Travsida.


We do not guarantee that the information is completely accurate and will not be responsible for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies published.