At 2, Winner of American-National, E H Harriman Challenge Cup, Peter Haughton Memorial. At 3, Winner of Matron Stakes Final, Stanley Dancer Trot, third in Historic Dickerson Cup.
Speedy Crown (US)
Speedy Scot (US)
Speedster (US)
Scotch Love (US)
Missile Toe (US)
Florican (US)
Worth a Plenty (US)
Some Pride (US)
Duke Rodney (US)
Rodney (US)
Duke's Dutchess (US)
Gretel Hanover (US)
Star's Pride (US)
Galena Hanover (US)
Christina Way (SE) (63 0,87 -25) 1986 1.21,4v kr 7,950 17 0-1-0